Here is the translation of your text into Serbian using the Latin alphabet:
Tak se desilo da je svekrva živela u mom stanu. Mi sa mužem je nikada nismo kritikovali. Ali ona je stalno osećala da je suvišna. Bojala se da izađe iz sobe da jede. U WC takođe nije mogla da ide kada smo svi bili kod kuće. Svog meseca je pokušavala da mi gurne neki novac iz svoje skromne penzije, a ceo dan, dok smo svi bili na poslu, ona je prala pod i trljala sudove do sjaja. Odlučila sam da više ovako živim ne mogu, treba nešto da se uradi. Sada, svaki put kada me vidi, suze se pojavljuju u njenim očima…
Svekrva je osećala da joj je izuzetno neprijatno, jer je bila primorana da živi sa nama.
This is a long and emotional story of a woman’s relationship with her mother-in-law, Nadya Stepanivna. Here’s a brief summary and key points of the narrative:
- Living Together: The narrator and her husband lived with his mother, Nadya Stepanivna, who felt uncomfortable and out of place in their home. Despite being treated well and never criticized by the family, she often felt like a burden and went to great lengths to help around the house, even though she was not physically strong enough to do so.
- Generosity: Nadya Stepanivna constantly tried to contribute money from her small pension for utilities or household expenses, but the family always declined, as they believed she needed the money more than they did.
- Discomfort: Nadya Stepanivna did not want to inconvenience them and often refrained from using the bathroom or even leaving her room, thinking she was disturbing the family.
- The Decision to Move: Over time, the family decided to help Nadya Stepanivna move to a small house in the village. They found a modest, well-maintained cottage in a nearby area. She was deeply touched and moved to tears when she saw her new home, and the family was equally emotional.
- The Daughter’s Visit: Nadya Stepanivna’s daughter, Anya, eventually came to visit her mother. Initially, Anya planned to stay with her mother, but the small size of the house made this impossible. Upon learning that the house was not in her name, Anya stopped visiting, realizing she would not be able to claim the property for herself.
- Contentment and Gratitude: Nadya Stepanivna found peace and fulfillment in her new life. She immersed herself in gardening and felt healthier and happier in the fresh air of the village. Her relationship with her daughter became strained due to financial motives, but the family continued to support and care for Nadya Stepanivna, providing her with love and respect.
- Moral: The narrator reflects on the importance of treating people with kindness and respect, as one would wish to be treated in return. Nadya Stepanivna, though not a biological mother to the narrator, embraced her as her own child, and the narrator reciprocated that love and respect.
In essence, the story emphasizes the value of compassion, the strength of human connection, and the importance of caring for those who treat us well, regardless of blood relations.